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22.05.2016 18:53

Das Chemikalien im Haushalt und im Job durchaus auch Auswirkungen auf dieBiochemie haben, ist ja unbestritten. Hier zwei aufschlussreiche Links (in Englisch), die einem das Außmaß mal vor Augen führen.

The numbers are startling. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1.8 million more children in the U.S. were diagnosed with developmental disabilities between 2006 and 2008 than a decade earlier. During this time, the prevalence of autism climbed nearly 300 percent, while that of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder increased 33 percent. CDC figures also show that 10 to 15 percent of all babies born in the U.S. have some type of neurobehavorial development disorder. Still more are affected by neurological disorders that don’t rise to the level of clinical diagnosis.

Bei einem solchen Ausmaß spricht man normalerweise von "Epedemie". Und das macht man dann auch im zweiten Absatz. Hier werden also ganze Heerscharen an Kindern geschädigt. Ich finde die Zahlen einfach nur noch abgefahren. Wieso muss man in den Knast, wenn man jemanden umbringt, aber wenn man Millionen Kinder in ihrer Entwicklung schädigt, passiert nichts. Das ist doch der pure Wahnsinn.

Übrigens: viele Schmerzmittel, die die normalen Menschen so nehmen, machen weniger empathisch. Kann jeder mal selber googeln, wer möchte. Erschreckend. Dazu die Gifte auf die Äcker und die Verpackungen selbst vieler Rohkostprodukte. Das ist eine grandiose "Durchseuchung" mit biochemisch wirksamen Stoffen.

But scientists are also now discovering that chemical compounds common in outdoor air — including components of vehicle exhaust and fine particulate matter — as well as in indoor air and consumer products can also adversely affect brain development, including prenatally.

Chemicals in flame retardants, plastics, and personal care and other household products are among those Lanphear lists as targets of concern for their neurodevelopment effects.

Chemicals that prompt hormonal changes are increasingly suspected to have neurological effects, says Linda Birnbaum, director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and National Toxicology Program. Among the chemicals now being examined for neurological impacts that occur early in life are flame retardants known as PBDEs that have been used extensively in upholstery foams, electronics and other products; phthalates, widely used as plasticizers and in synthetic fragrances; the polycarbonate plastic ingredient bisphenol A, known commonly as BPA; perfluorinated compounds, whose applications include stain-, water- and grease-resistant coatings; and various pesticides.

Also das Zeug ist in ganz "normalen" Haushaltschemikalen und kann das Gehirn im Mutterleib bei seiner Entwicklung entsprechend negativ beeinflussen. Das sind ja zum Teil ganz sensible Phasen, wo schon geringste Störungen einen negativen Effekt haben. 

Many of the chemicals under scrutiny for their effects on brain development — BPA, phthalates, perfluorinated compounds, brominated flame retardants and various pesticides among them — appear to act by interfering with the function of hormones essential for healthy brain development. Among these are thyroid hormones, which regulate the part of the brain involved in a variety of vital functions, including reproduction, sleep, thirst, eating and puberty.

Das heisst also, diese Chemikalien funken bei der Gehirnentwicklung massiv dazwischen und wirken sich entsprechend aus. Und das ist gerade bei der Gehirnentwicklung im Mutterleib fatal. Das Ergebnis sind weitestgehend gestörte (das eine bedingt offenbar das andere) Kinder. Gestörte Gehirnentwicklung führt zu gestörten Kindern. Schöne neue Welt, die solche Bürger trägt. Und ich sag es ja immer wieder: eine Gesellschaft, die Menschen dazu ausbildet, die eigene Brut zu vergiften, kann keinen Bestand haben.

“Impacts can happen at levels far below safety standards,” says Zoeller. And there are a great many chemicals to which such women may be exposed environmentally with the potential to affect thyroid hormones, among them PBDEs, PCBs, BPA, various pesticides, perfluorinated compounds and certain phthalates.

Wenn man die Grenzwerte so setzten würde, dass sie auch wirklich schützen, würde man nichts von dem Zeug mehr verkaufen dürfen. Ich erinnere mich ja noch, also man vor einigen jahren, ich war gerade im Studium, die Grenzwerte für Pestizide in der Nahrung einfach um 100% raufsetzte. So einfach geht das.

As Grandjean and Landrigan point out, one of the disturbing recent realizations concerning environmental exposure to developmental neurotoxicants is how widespread exposure appears to be and the ubiquity of such compounds. “More neurotoxic chemicals are getting into products,” says Landrigan.

Sprich, das Zeug ist überall. Und wird sogar noch vermehrt verwendet. Ergebnis sind dann noch mehr Kinder mit Autismus und verringertem IQ. Es macht fassungslos.

While we now know a great deal about developmental neurotoxicants, more such exposures appear to be occurring than ever before. And there appears to be wide agreement among researchers that these exposures are taking a toll on the world’s children.

Mein Reden: man lernt an den Universitäten und Hochschulen, wie man die eigene Brut nachhaltig schädigt. Wenn das nicht verrückt ist. Und für was?

Common Sources of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals

How often are you likely to be exposed to these toxic chemicals around your home? Probably far more often than you think. Epoch Times recently compiled 10 common sources of endocrine disruptors:15

1. Personal Care Products

Shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, cosmetics, and other personal care products often contain endocrine disruptors, including (but certainly not limited to) phthalates.

2. Drinking Water

Your drinking water may be contaminated with atrazine, arsenic, and perchlorate, all of which may disrupt your endocrine system. Filtering your water, both at your tap and your shower/bath, using a high-quality water filtration system can help protect you and your family.

3. Canned Foods

In an analysis of 252 canned food brands, 78 are still using bisphenol-A (BPA) in their canned goods, even though it's a known endocrine disruptor.16

4. Conventionally Grown Produce

Pesticides, herbicides, and industrial runoff may coat your conventionally grown fruits and vegetables in endocrine-disrupting chemicals. As much as possible, buy and eat organic produce and free-range, organic foods to reduce your exposure to endocrine-disrupting pesticides and fertilizers.

5. CAFO Meat, Poultry, and Dairy Products

Animals raised on concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) also typically contain antibiotics, hormones, and other industrial chemicals that may disrupt your endocrine system. Look for animal products that are free-range, organic, and raised on small, local farms that avoid the use of such chemicals.

6. High-Mercury Fish

Fish contaminated with high levels of mercury and other heavy metals are problematic because such metals also disrupt hormonal balance. Shark, swordfish, king mackerel, marlin, and tilefish are among the worst offenders here, but even tuna has been found to be contaminated with dangerously high levels. Farmed fish (the "CAFOs of the sea") also tend to be higher in contaminants and are better off avoided. When eating seafood, smaller fish like sardines, anchovies, and herring tend to be low in contaminants and high in omega-3 fats.

7. Kitchen Products

Plastic containers and non-stick cookware common in many kitchens are another type of hazards. The plastic containers may contain BPA or other endocrine-disrupting chemicals that can leach into your food, especially if the plastic is heated. Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) used to create non-stick, stain-resistant, and water-repellant surfaces are also toxic and highly persistent, both in your body and in the environment.
When heated, non-stick cookware releases perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), linked to thyroid disease, infertility, and developmental and reproductive problems.

Healthier options include ceramic and enameled cast iron cookware, both of which are durable, easy to clean (even the toughest cooked-on foods can be wiped away after soaking it in warm water), and completely inert, which means they won't release any harmful chemicals into your home.

8. Cleaning Products

Commercial solutions used to clean your floors, toilets, oven,  windows, and more typically contain industrial chemicals that may throw your hormones out of whack. It's surprisingly easy to create your own cleaning products at home using different combinations of vinegar, baking soda, essential oils, and even coconut oil. Find simple tips for greener cleaning here.

9. Office Products

Ink cartridges, toner, and other solvents common in office environments are another common source of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Handle such products with care and minimize your exposure as much as possible.

10. Cash Register Receipts and Paper Currency

Thermal paper has a coating that turns black when heat is applied (the printer in a cash register applies heat to the paper, allowing it to print numbers and letters). It also contains BPA, and research shows that handling this type of paper is enough to increase your bodily levels. A study in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry found that of 13 thermal printing papers analyzed, 11 contained BPA.17

Holding the paper for just 5 seconds was enough to transfer BPA onto a person's skin, and the amount of BPA transferred increased by about 10 times if the fingers were wet or greasy (such as if you've just applied lotion or eaten greasy food). Finally, because receipts are often stored next to paper currency in people's wallets, paper currency may also be contaminated with BPA. In a study published in Environmental Science and Technology, researchers analyzed paper currencies from 21 countries for the presence of BPA, and the chemical was detected in every sample

So, seek to limit or avoid carrying receipts in your wallet or purse, as it appears the chemical is transferring onto other surfaces it touches. It would also be wise to wash your hands after handling receipts and currency, and avoid handling them particularly if you've just put on lotion or have any other greasy substance on your hands, as this may increase your exposure. If you're a cashier or bank teller who handles such papers often, you may want to wear gloves, especially if you're pregnant or of child-bearing age.

Auf fand ich ja eine echt herrliche Theorie dazu, die vielleicht garnicht so weit hergeholt ist:

Was haltet Ihr von dem Gedanken, dass der Gender-Quatsch von einer Industrie und deren PR-Beratern inszeniert wird, die längst wissen, dass deren Chemieprodukte dumm und geschlechtlich undeindeutig macht und wir das nicht mehr sauber kriegen? Um Skandal und Haftung zu entgehen, redet man der Gesellschaft einfach ein, das wäre jetzt neu so, das wäre „progressiv” und „tolerant”, das sei jetzt der neue Standard. Und all die Doofen müssten durch Brachialtoleranz, Nullanforderung, Quoten und Volldeppenstudiengänge integriert, versorgt und so endgelagert werden, dass es keiner merkt.

Und ausgerechnet die Grünen, die so auf Umweltschutz machen, wären eine Speerspitze dieses Vergiftungsvertuschungsmodells.

Na, ist das ne geile Verschwörungstheorie?

Anhand des Ausmaßes der Epedemie und der Alltäglichkeit der Produkte ist das garnicht mal so schräg gedacht. Wie will man denn eigentlich sonst damit umgehen, wenn man es weder ändern noch verhindern kann? Dann muss man die Schädigung zum neuen Ideal erklären. Anders gehts ja garnicht. Ähnlich einiger veganer Rohköstler, die ausbleibende Monatsblutungen, BMI von unter 18 und andere Probleme einfach als "natürlich" und "erstrebenswert" deklarierten und Kritiker entsprechend anfuhren.

Würde mich nicht wundern, wenn man das hier im gigantischen Ausmaß auch so machen würde.

